Fancy Vine Strip can be replaced with your own!



 Over 150 years in the making and still getting better with age.




Miscellaneous Pictures

On this page are some pictures from our miscellaneous adventures in and around (and coming & going from) the family reunion. My thanks to the caring staff of Mt. Royal Towers who so affectionately took care of my mother during our entire stay in Birmingham. My thanks also to the all the staff at both the airport and on the airplane who assisted me in taking care of my mom's needs. And lastly, a big thanks from me and my brother Champ to the owners of the Waffle House restaurant situated so conveniently close to our hotel. We hope we did you proud with our supersized breakfast, lunch, & late nite orders. May the memory of your 10 different kinds of waffles live in our taste buds & stomach forever.

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