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 Over 150 years in the making and still getting better with age.


Welcome to the Potpourri page of the Powell Family Web Site. Here you'll find an interesting collection of family stories, recipes, poetry & essays, art work, pictures & video from family events and other special family items. There's also information on Powell family news, projects and even Powell Family merchandise. Click and enjoy!

Here is where you will find the latest news concerning the Powell Family


Here is where you will find a unique library of stories written by or about the Powell Family

Here is where you will find an eclectic mix of prose and verse by members of the Powell Family

Here is where you will find a critical selection of essays on various subjects all written by members of the Powell Family

Here is where you will find rare and valuable memorabilia pertaining to Powell Family


Websters Dictionary defines "potpourri" as a medley or mixture of miscellaneous items. Well in essence that is exactly what this page of the Powell Family web site is: a mixture of Powell personality, pizzazz, and panache (trying saying that three times fast). No where else on this web site will you find such a varied collection of items connected to the individual lives of the Powell Family. It is our hope that when you visit this particular section of our family web site you will consider yourself more than just a casual web surfer, but an honored guest welcome to share, learn, and discover all those special things that make our family what it is today. We invite you to come back again and again and peruse through this our special family medley and ultimately to become a part of the Powell Family potpourri.

Here is where you will find digital connections to other web sites of interest to Powell Family

Here is where you will find information about special projects concerning the Powell Family


Here is where you will find a tantalizing collection of favorite and homemade recipes selected by members of the Powell Family

Here is where you will find a colorful array of amateur art work all created by or for members of the Powell Family

Here is where you will find archived pictures, audio, and video from special Powell Family events and occasions

Here is where you will find valuable collectibles all made by or customized for the Powell Family

| Family Home Page | Family History | Family Members | Family Pictures | Potpourri | Guest book + |