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 Over 150 years in the making and still getting better with age.

Click here to see pictures from our family's 4th of July get together at Clint & Stephanie's house in Palmdale.

Click here to see pictures of mom & Tim dining out all over the town.

Click here to see pictures of mom & Tim dining at the famous Madonna Inn in SLO for Tim's 29th B-day.

Lights, camera, action...

Websters Dictionary defines a "audio" as sound reproduction and a "video" as a digital picture in motion. That being said the purpose of this part of the Powell Family web page is to give you audio and visual stimulation from some of the special occasions and events that have touched our familys' life. Since they say a picture is worth a thousand words (which must mean that a video is akin to a novel and I guess an audio clip is something like a short story without the pretty pictures) we've tried hard to select only those pictures and clips of audio and video that can tell their own story with minimal narration from us. Allow these images and clips to take you on a mental journey into some of the special moments and events that helped define who we are as a family. For the pictures simply click on the individual picture to see a larger version. For audio/ video clips simply click on the pict or icon and use your browser to either select play back over the web or download to your own computer.

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