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 Over 150 years in the making and still getting better with age.


29 Years Down & Counting

Well, I don't know if a persons 29th birthday is really all that special. I suppose one can look at it as the last b-day before you hit the dreaded "3-0" and spend the next decade as a thirty something. Well I like to think this birthday was special because of me and mom decided to take a drive up to San Luis Obispo to my old alma mater Cal Poly in the ever beautiful California central coast. To top off the evening we went to dine at the famous Madonna Inn where we had filet mignon (which by the way is waaay overrated and cost a bundle). Well aside from the over priced food the restaurant where we dining was absolutely magical with an abundance of fall & holiday decorations to really make the dining experience something to remember.

For the pictures simply click on the individual picture to see a larger version.



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